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Innovative companies need to carefully create, safeguard and manage their intellectual property assets to build, protect and enhance their competitiveness and valuation. This requires a unique, structured approach for each company that fully aligns with its business strategy.

  • Identified potentially acquirable patents in the video analytics industry, anonymously negotiated and acquired an extensive portfolio from numerous companies, and developed a licensing program based on the same, thereby driving high-margin revenue and ultimately a $1 billion acquisition by an NYSE-traded company.
  • Performed a digital transformation project for a $2.3 billion century-old utility company, including an extensive audit and development of its patent program, data usage policies, artificial intelligence development, and ultimate deployment of digital assets that created operational efficiency, increased worker safety and enhanced the customer experience.
  • Increased market value and developed licensing strategies via pre-M&A IP due diligence by analyzing a company’s extensive fiber optics equipment patent portfolio. Counseled senior managers and the board of directors on IP value during sale of the company to a leading multinational Internet equipment company, which resulted in an increase in sales price of the company by 35 percent – from $200 million to about $270 million.
  • Worked directly with inventors of a music analysis company to identify and protect a portfolio of patents that we then helped broker to an enforcement entity with litigation funding for an ongoing monetization campaign.

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