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10/03/2023|1 minute read

Of Counsel Mark Braden is quoted in a Sept. 22 Law360 article titled "Access To Justice Cases To Watch This Term." The article examines civil rights cases the U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to hear in the coming months.

One case slated to be argued is Alexander v. South Carolina NAACP, which concerns a “South Carolina congressional map that assigned Black voters to districts based on their race, and which a federal court found to be unconstitutional,” according to the article.

Rather than arguing this as a Voting Rights Act matter, the plaintiffs say “the map amounts to racial gerrymandering,” in violation of the 14th and 15th Amendments, which mandate equal protection under the law and prohibit restricting voting rights based on race, the article continues.

But Braden tells Law360 that this case is actually about partisan gerrymandering. He says plaintiffs “concocted” the racial gerrymandering angle. “I can’t imagine the court is not going to see through that pretty simply,” he adds.

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